A blog full of experiences

The blog will provide you articles about anything related to Miramar Surf Camp , Nicaragua. Is also a surf blog, a surf lifestyle blog , travel journal, music, surf videos, and so much more.

Latest Information with Avianca of "Requirements to enter Nicaragua"

Latest Information with Avianca of "Requirements to enter Nicaragua"

As we know the rules, laws and requirements change all the time. We are trying our best to keep up with the latest. As of now Avianca has a portal page to upload your PCR results

Las mejores playas para practicar surf en Nicaragua

Las mejores playas para practicar surf en Nicaragua

Sus olas han conquistado a los amantes del surf de diferentes latitudes del mundo. Seas profesional, amateur o aprendiz, hay una opción para ti.

How To Do a Nicaraguan Surf Trip During COVID-19

How To Do a Nicaraguan Surf Trip During COVID-19

That was a super cool story from Surfline from traveling to Nicaragua. Editor’s note: we are not necessarily condoning surf travel right now. But we also recognize that — especially as springtime is kicking in — surfers are hitting the saltwatery road. And with that in mind, we plan on rolling out a series of travel-related articles over the coming weeks and months to keep surfers as informed as possible if they do decide to pull the trigger. The below article was written by writer and tech guru Marie Groover, who recently made the trip to Nicaragua from her home base in Wrightsville Beach, NC, and provides very specific advice about the nuances of traveling to that country as of right now. *Updated April 7th at bottom of article. (Information will obviously change as we head into summer. Stay tuned.)

it is starting

it is starting

We are always saying about flights. A good news for the surfers in the world. Awayco has back!

How to Avoid Muscle Cramps While Surfing

How to Avoid Muscle Cramps While Surfing

You’re sitting in the lineup, minding your own. A set wave approaches and you’re in the perfect spot. Your posse starts hooting and hollering. And then, wham – a muscle cramp comes out of nowhere and you blow the takeoff. Especially now, at the covid 19 times, we have to continue taking care of ourselves more than ever.

Home Office All Inclusive Package

Home Office All Inclusive Package

International Surf trips are still in our dreamings for the COVID-19. But thinking in reconcile two things, work and surfing, maybe Miramar SurfCamp can be the best option for you.