So I know many of you are thinking what is it like to travel to Nicaragua due to COVID restrictions.
Well I am going to tell you from first hand experience. We decided to try it on our own. We traveled from Nicaragua to California and back last month.
The USA is requiring a test to enter into the country (every country is different with rules). There is one testing site in Nicaragua and that is at the Ministry of Health Center Managua. It cost $150 per person. You take the test in the morning from 8-11am and then the results are ready by 3pm the same day. As a guest with us you have the option to take the test in the morning and then head back to the camp. We will have a driver pick up the results for you and have them for the day you travel. The test can only be done less than 72 hours before travel. Then the day of travel the airline checked our results. Also we were checked again in the immigration line.
After we got on the plane they checked again at our layover in El Salvador. At our arrival in the US they did not check for the results paper. So we were in and all smooth.
Now return to Nicaragua we had to have a PCR test within 72 hours of arrival. It needs to be a PCR Test. Once we got the results we had to send it to the airlines. I sent it with a copy of my passport so there were no complications. Upon departure in California they had everyone on a list of who sent in the results and the form from the airline. We were on the list so then it was check-in time. All good and smooth. The only other time they checked out results was when we landed in Nicaragua at immigration. You need to have the immigration form filled out correctly. Emergency contact and number of where you are headed is required.
What are my thoughts about travel? Well I did it as a family of 4 with 2 toddlers. Honestly there is one more step to the travel with the test but its not difficult. This is what the requirements are in many places. Is it worth it to travel? NO DOUBLT.
We will help you with every step of the way and any questions you may have.
Lets keep the surf trips going! Its what keeps us alive!.