Every day we are bombarded with news that we are dreaming to see different or something exciting. But the reality in the world right now is about the coronavirus, COVID-19, and how we are going to fight against it.
We have been working on the maintenance and new infrastructure, dreaming with the dates, already extended again for August, to have you all with us. People are asking when are we going to be open ???
In the meanwhile, we have been studying and working to improve the experience with all the security and advice from the World Health Organization. Also we have been learning in different sources on how to receive our guests in the best way.
We will monitor the situation of the spread of the virus daily to adopt all the necessary measures for everyone's safety.
We will reopen the hotel now , July 05, 2020. We want to make sure we will be ready for the international reopening.
All our employees are from the area, love to serve you all - we carter to no particular group, we embrace everyone. More than a job, we make a difference in peoples lives by the service and hospitality that we provide.

Get to know our new COVID 19 protocols:
- No check-in process;
- Payment process completely online***;
- Sanitization of guest luggage before it enters the lobby;
- Room cleaning choice by message;
- Guests with a temperature above 99.5°F (37.5°C) asked to be quarantined in their rooms where they are monitored;
- Pools, groups of guests are spaced 6 feet (2 meters) apart.
- An oximeter, can be used to check oxygen flow in the blood.

Cleaning process
- Increased Cleaning and disinfecting frequency for high-touch surfaces across public areas, dining areas, and public restrooms;
- Sanitization of guest luggage before it enters the lobby;
- Hand Sanitizer in every public area;
- Disinfectants used for all continuous and deep cleaning process;
- All the occupied rooms are cleaned by our member team, always using new gloves for each room, mask and it will be removed separately for wash procedure. After every cleaning, gloves are disposed of properly;
- Removing the bedding sheets and towels and put them in an identified and hermetically sealed bag until it is time to wash them, advising the laundry staff about their hygienic handling (do not shake the dirty clothes and avoid direct contact with the skin) ;
- Every plastic bag or anything from outside is properly disinfected and cleaned before getting into the hotel.
Every Team Member
- Temperature checks for every team member, and vendor upon arrival;
- Mandatory mask always for all team members;
- Team member hand washing every 60 minutes;
- The team instructed to avoid physical contact and to limit conversations to minimal with guests;
- Staff with the temperature above 99.5°F (37.5°C) asked to be quarantined and sent home;
- An oximeter will be used frequently to check oxygen flow in the blood.
- All vehicles disinfected and cleaned before and after each trip;
- All drivers wear personal protective equipment (PPE);
- The team instructed to avoid physical contact and to limit conversations to minimal with guests;
- Vehicles stop on the official checkpoint for general disinfected.
Our hotel is already very ventilated and well divided. All the empty rooms are open to ventilate inside every morning and every cleaning, avoiding at max the use of air conditioning and closed places;
The natural ventilation of the outdoors makes it safer than enclosed spaces.
*All conditions and terms can change accordingly*